The Fool
New beginnings, Spontaneity, Innocence

Numerical Association
What happens when we truly embrace the Fool? Position zero is admittedly awkward. Is it at the beginning? No particular place at all? Everywhere? The answer may be yes to all of those questions. The Fool is ready for all contingencies - open to experience but not because of some enlightened state they reached through great mental of physical trials. Rather, the Fool is open due to naiveté. The zero is unknown and unknowable - the perpetual fresh perspective. Any step in any direction is new. It's the first. -However- It's important to distinguish between 'first' and what comes before it. As the Fool, we are not in the first position. If we were, we'd be fixed and definite. Instead, we are all things at once - all possible outcomes. Embrace the void with the innocence of childhood. Enjoy the fact that this card permits you to revisit a time that you thought was lost - the time before...